As it is listed on your government-issed I.D.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Please provide your cell phone number, as sometimes it is easier to send an update via text.
Date of Birth
You must be at least 18 years old to adopt from us. If you are under 18, please have your parent or guardian complete this application.
Physical Address
Please be aware that hedgehogs are illegal in some states and boroughs. We will not sell to individuals who reside in those locations.
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
1. Would you like to be placed on our waiting list for a future baby?
I'm not sure
4. Are you looking for a hedgehog as a pet, or for breeding purposes?
Pet Only. I will never breed this animal.
Breeding. I will provide you with my business information.
I don't know at this time.
4-b. How would you describe your breeding program?
You may skip this if not applicable.
USDA Licensed Breeder
Hobby Breeder
6. Is it legal to own a hedgehog in your area?
I'm not sure
7. Have you owned a hedgehog before?
Yes, but not currently
Yes, I currently own a hedgehog
No, I have never owned a hedgehog
7-a. If you previously owned a hedgehog, please provide a brief description of them, including sex, living status (alive/rehomed/deceased), age (or age at death), cause of death (if applicable), breeder of the hedgehog, etc.
You may skip this if not applicable.
7-b. If you currently own a hedgehog, what is its sex?
You may skip this if not applicable.
8. Do you have other indoor pets?
8-a. Please describe your other indoor pets.
You may skip this if not applicable.
9. Do you have children in your home?
9-a. Please list the age of each child in your home.
You may skip this if not applicable.
10. Are you currently in college, or about to be?
11. If something in your life changes, what would be your first steps for your hedgehog?
Examples would be moving, change in work hours, etc.
12. How will your hedgehog be housed?
Please be aware that we require photo proof of the completed setup before we release any animal.
13. How will your hedgehog be kept warm?
Please be aware that we require photo proof of the completed setup before we release any animal.
14. What will be used as your hedgehog's primary diet?
Please be specific regarding the food brand. We will offer you suggestions if you do not know at this time.
15. How much research have you done about hedgehog care?
16. How much time will you be able to set aside for handling and caring of your hedgehog each day?
17. Have you found a local licensed vet who is experienced with hedgehogs or exotic animals?
Not at this time
18. Do you plan on picking up your hedgehog at Hillbilly Hogs, or will you require a transport service?
I will pick up
I will need a transport
I'm not sure at this time
19. Have you read the care guide on our website?
20. Have you read, and agree to, our adoption policies?
22. Do you certify that everything in this application is true to the best of your knowledge?
23. If you have any questions for us, please let us know below.